Fitness: Mind, Body & Soul.

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.”

3 John 1:2

We specialize in fitness training for people over 40, veterans & novice athletes (newbies).

TD in black and white jacket and white shirt


Meet TD. She is a certified group fitness instructor with the Athletes Fitness Association of America (AFAA).

Military Service: Drill Sergeant; Airborne Qualified, Trained SAPPER classes (20 Years of Service)

Master Fitness Certified

TD is certified to teach Yoga, Pilates, Kickboxing, Taebo, Aquatics (water aerobics) and Step aerobics. Since 1995, she has taught in gyms in Frankfurt, Germany, Darmstadt, Germany, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, the Original Walter Reed in Washington, DC., and the Metro DC area.

TD is a retired Army veteran, and she specializes in fitness training for people over 40, veterans and novice. When TD isn’t working out, she enjoys reading, traveling, spending time with family and catching up on her favorite shows.

She is a firm believer that we fight from victory, not for victory, and that is our foundation for being our best WHOLE selves. You can connect with her on social, and sign up for her newsletter to continue growing in your mind, body, and soul alongside her and the rest of the TUWTD community.

Services Provided

Kickstart Your Exercise


Sign up and gain access to:

  • Weekly Group Workouts

  • Nutrition Tips

  • Meal Plans

  • Full Video Library

Monthly subscription, weekly access to TD, a community of friendship, accountability, and forming healthy habits. Judgment free zone!

Sign up and gain access to:

  • Tips for starting an exercise program

  • Tips for burning calories while sitting

  • Exercises to do before you shower

  • Lazy Girl Exercises from your Bed

30 Days unlimited access to kick start your exercise program today!

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV

Keep God first and you will prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers.

Meliza T.

“Hello everyone! My name is Meliza, 57 year old female. I am a child of God, wife, mother of 2, and an entrepreneur - very busy life! I would like to share my testimony with you. Tightening Up with TD has truly been a blessing and a life-changing experience for me in more than one way! I started a year and a half ago, Tightening Up With TD. TD has helped me realize taking time out for myself and my health is very important. She has also helped me realize exercising daily helps me set the tone for the day spiritually, physically and emotionally. I’m very proud to announce that when I started with TD, I weighed 268 pounds, borderline diabetic, and had hypertension. Now, I am weighing 198 pounds, no longer a borderline diabetic, and my blood pressure is in control! Thank you, TD!!!! I will be forever grateful to you and your program. May God’s blessings and miracles be upon you always! I’m in it to win it! In Christ, Meliza