Mindset Matters: Cultivating a Positive Fitness Attitude
How do you do that? Today’s topic is dear to my heart because I believe you must keep God first. My day starts with spending quality time reading my bible, journaling, and being still so that I can hear from Him. This empowers my mindset to be positive and my energy level soars - making my mood upbeat and ready to face the day.
When you meditate on a scripture like, “You must serve only the Lord your God. If you do, I will bless you with food and water, and I will protect you from illness. There will be no miscarriages or infertility in your land, and I will give you long, full lives”. Exodus 23:25-26 NLT, emphasis added
Living long and living strong: What is too old or how old is too old? With a positive mindset, the age that I want to live out is 120 years or more until I am satisfied. Here’s another promise I found that has changed the way I look at aging.
It says, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty… With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation”. Psalms 91:1,16 ( emphasis added).
I am fully convinced that it is meant for me. Many friends and family members say they don’t want to live until they are 100 years of age. They think their health will be poor, that they will not be of sound mind, and that their finances will not last that long. But that root of thinking can be plucked out and changed to thinking about living long and living strong when you get a revelation of God’s promises.
{Note: Gloria Copeland, Live Long, Finish Strong}. I read her book, listened to CDs, and journaled what I was learning. God’s best for me is knowing that He wants me well, so I can help others. Certainly, I will need to be in good health to do that. My spirit, soul, and body, must be in the best shape possible for that to happen.
Before your feet hit the floor. When you know how blessed you are in life, the moment you are clearly awake, you want to thank Jesus for keeping you safe throughout the night. You begin to thank The Father for His love and grace. You stretch in bed, then sit up and you stay there a minute to collect yourself, then you rise and give God the glory for a new day. That is keeping Him first through worship and honoring Him.
Is that always easy every morning? When you cast down every thought and imagination that does not honor Him, it can be. We all have thoughts hanging over our heads, hurt feelings about an issue, life’s situations, etc. When you meditate on the scriptures, the Holy Spirit will prompt you and steer you back to God. It helps to bring your flesh under subjection to Jesus Christ. We are made in His image.
Positive Well-being. Your life depends on your well-being being positive. Being sad, depressed, or anxious is not a well-state for anyone for any period of time. He is your helper, your present help in the time of need. He will deliver you from all your problems, if you let Him.
Conclusion: Your Positive Mindset is important in order to manage your life, think clearly, make good decisions, and trust that your Heavenly Father knows what is best for you. Therefore, your mindset will be positive because you rest in that assurance that He will take care of you. If you love and honor Him, He will protect you; your days will be long and you will be satisfied when you leave here.
TD Watlington
Personal Trainer, Health & Wellness Coach